Why Keep Chickens As Pets?

Photo of Kassandra Smith

Kassandra Smith

Senior Editor • Backyard Chicken Coops

Last Updated: 22 July 2020

Thinking of keeping pet chickens? If chicken keeping is a new idea to you, maybe you're wondering why you'd want to keep chickens as pets when you can head to the supermarket to pick up your fresh eggs? There are so many reasons to keep pet chickens aside from having a fresh supply of healthy and sustainably raised eggs. Keeping pet chickens is a rewarding hobby which is fun for the whole family. Stressful job? You will find that keeping pet chickens is relaxing, fun and surprisingly entertaining!

backyard pet chickens near chicken coop

Chickens Are Cheep and Easy Pets Not only do chickens make great pets, they are also productive backyard friends and pay for their own upkeep with delicious and healthy fresh eggs! Think chicken keeping is expensive? The opposite is actually true! Unlike other pets, chickens are inexpensive and will not burn through your time or your wallet. All your backyard chickens require is a small amount of attention per day and they live happy and healthy lives.

fresh backyard chickens eggs

Good Backyard Eggs
Free-range chickens produce eggs that are far higher in Omega-3 acids and Vitamin E. They are also lower in cholesterol than store-bought eggs. Keeping pet chickens will let you have the delight of eating eggs from your own backyard flock - so you know what has gone into making your eggs, and you will likely never have to buy supermarket eggs again. Fresh backyard eggs are more flavourful - thanks to the diverse and nutritional rich diet that you feed your healthy and happy hens. They are, in fact, fresh! The eggs you find on the supermarket shelves are weeks old before they ever make it to your local shop. Fresh eggs yolks are brighter too, a vivid orange instead of the pale yellow barn or cage hens produce. Better yet, you can be sure your eggs are organic! To produce organic eggs, simply feed your hens organic chicken feed and use natural cleaning and pest and parasite control methods.

pet chickens in garden

Chickens - Great Garden Helpers
Are you a keen gardener? Chickens make a great supply of the highest quality manure and compost for your garden! Adding their used hemp bedding to your compost bin - or straight to your garden bed - is a rich source of fertiliser for your garden and precious plants. Backyard chickens can also help you til your garden soil in between plantings and aerate existing garden beds. They'll also make light work of any garden pests that are bothering your veggie patch crop or flower beds!

cute and friendly backyard chickens

Chicken Personalities
Think that keeping pet chickens sounds boring? Think again! Chickens have just as much personality as a dog or cat - some are even sassier, funnier and cuter than you'd think! They can be endearing, quirky and even slightly kooky. There are so many different chicken breeds to choose from and they feature a stunning array of patterns, colours, sizes and shapes. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself naming your backyard chickens and giving them a hen hug! Got kids? Chicken keeping is a wonderful way to introduce them to the cycle of life, sustainable living and personal responsibility.

backyard pet chickens in chicken run near coop

Space and Maintenance
Think you don't have a backyard big enough to provide a happy home for some cute hens? Think again! While we always encourage chicken keepers to let their ladies roam as freely as possible, there are some chicken breeds that do very well in smaller backyards or confined to a spacious chicken run stocked with tried and tested boredom busters that keep them active and mentally stimulated. Chicken keeping is a breeze when it comes to upkeep and maintenance - provided you make sure you have the right tools for the job. Set your daily, weekly and monthly routine and bob's your uncle! Happy hens and healthy eggs!

There are so many things to consider when becoming a chicken parent from health to nutrition. Along with the many benefits, we want to do an eggcellent job in providing the best lives for our chooks. Many chicken keepers struggle to handle chicken health or behaviour issues, especially in the first few years of having a flock.

This is why I recommend Chickenpedia to all my readers. They have comprehensive online courses on everything you didn’t know you need to know and then some more! From healthcare to raising baby chicks to feeding and behavior, you’ll find beginner-friendly courses that’ll give you the knowledge and confidence to successfully look after your chickens.

As a member, you will get access to ALL their fantastic courses. No need to wing it, become the ultimate chicken eggspert! Check out Chickenpedia today!


So where to go next, take our 60 second coop quiz to see what is going to suit your needs as a new chicken keeper!


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